My parents are arriving today. I am their only child and the sole and complete focus of their love, devotion and ADVICE.
They have watched the Jehovahs Witnesses and my JW inlaws just bring chaos into our family and they have not appreciated it one bit. My mother especially is looking forward to seeing my Mother In Law after she heard about the last visit and how she has been treating me and our children.
My mother had been absolutely against religion since we left the COC many years ago. She was absolutely traumatized by their shunning and the nastiness that followed our exit.
Well 2 years ago she and my father (who is a lapsed catholic) became Born Again Christians.
Now every problem in my marriage will apparently be solved - in regard to the Jehovahs Witnesses if I just get my husband into a good church like theirs.
I hear over and over about how their marriage has improved since they started attending this church and found Jesus. My dad even helps clean the house now.
So my parents will be here for 10 days and I will undoubtably get some more advice. They just don't really understand - even though I have explained it at least a million times how getting hubby into church is not going to change his JW behaviors..
And more importantly I'm not up for going to church right now. Any faith in God I had seems to be gone. I wonder if there is a God and he loves us why are there so many bad things happening in the world. When I was pregnant with my second child earlier this year I walked through part of the childrens hospital to get to my OB appointments. I wondered how can God let these children suffer with these horrible illnesses. I wondered how he could let so many people die in the Tsunami? If God is up there, why won't he fix things?
So as you can read I'm basically an atheist now.....something I don't want to tell my parents because I have always had such deep faith in God or something and now I just feel alone.
Thanks for letting me ramble.